Thursday, March 18, 2010

Letter To Me.

Dear Shruti,

I know there are days when you don't feel like getting out of bed. Days when you stare at the ceiling and try to shoo away the ache in your chest. I know there are days when you don't feel like you're worth anything, or are incapable of anything great. I also know there are days you wonder if anyone truly cares and if someone can love you honestly for who you are.

I want to write this letter to you to remind you. Though you have those days. You are much bigger than that. You are strong, caring, powerful being. You hurt cause you have empathy, you feel cause that is your strength. People may tell you, you are weak and emotional. But use that as a good thing. Your pain will make you a better person and a psychologist. You have the power to understand other people's pain. It was the price you paid.

Rishabh told you that you are not god. Don't be so hard on yourself. Humans make mistakes, so you did as well. The thing that matters is that you get up now, brush yourself off, not let yourself be defined by one person's actions. He treated you bad cause he didn't appreciate you. The truth is it was a one sided love. Look at him now, he is back to his old mushy self na, the one he told you he had outgrown when he was not that with you but was that with Shree and Aparna. What does that say about him? He was the liar. Fine he didn't feel that strongly for you ever. Not everyone can love everyone right. Yes, it was wrong what he did. He shouldn't have led you on and told you countless number of promises. But in the end, it was not your fault. You loved him. You did what you had. Nothing was wrong with you. It was him. It was not you. He lied. He cheated. He didn't care. He used you as a toy. I know you are mad at yourself for letting him do this to you, but you were learning from it too. It was your first, you got carried away. You wanted to save everything, you wanted to be perfect, so you kept trying.

All those people that underestimated you. It was them, not you. You have a chance, and the power to prove them wrong. Your destiny is yours and yours only. No one can take that away from you. No one thought you would be where you are now. You are the one that has fought ADHD and dyselxia. You were the one that was seen as the foolish clumsy kid who had no sense. But look at you now. Look how far you have come. And look how far you will go.

You applied to 5 Psy.D schools and you got in 3. You applied to 3 M.A schools and you got in such an amazing school, and you have the other one interviewing you tomorrow and you still have to wait for the 3rd one's results on April 1st. Even if the last school is a no, look at the percentage. 5/8 schools. People just die to get in one school and here you have 5 amazing amazing top notch schools to choose from. And here you thought you were nothing. Can someone with nothing do this? Nahi. They can't. You did it. Why don't you see that? Why don't you see all this? Why do you want to feel bad for yourself. Shruti, this world is cruel. You show them you are weak and they will not be empathic, they will tell you indeed its true. Don't give anyone a chance to put you down.

Be the person you are, contiune on the path. You are the one that stopped cutting, you are the one with determination.

The stars and moon are in your reach. Everything is possible. Yes, life has been mean to you. But be grateful for the food, shelter, security, family and care you have. Be grateful. We suffer so we have humility to know we can't control all, cause only GOD can do that.

Breathe in, and smile. Life has been good to you. And if it hasn't been sometimes, you are who you are for it. Be grateful. You believe in Karma na. Then those that hurt you intentionally and misused your niceness and care will have what is coming for them. GOD sees all. Universe has a way of balancing things out.

The only thing you can control is YOU. YOU do everything the best to your capability. Rest is meaningless. REST is faltu.

Shruti, read this letter when you feel down. Cause my dear, you are amazing. Don't forget that and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Quote of the Day: The things people say and do to you says more about them then it does about you. From: 
Nic's Old Blog.

Song of the Day:Wavin' Flag - K'naan


 Appropriate Lyrics: 

When i get older, they'll call me freedom
Just like a Waving Flag.

When I get older, I will be stronger,
They'll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag,

Where I got grown, streets we would roam.
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest,
Among the hardest survival.
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Except no defeat, surrender retreat,

So we struggling, fighting to eat and
We wondering when we'll be free,
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day,
It's not far away, so for now we say

But look how they treat us, Make us believers,
We fight their battles, then they deceive us,
Try to control us, they couldn't hold us,
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers.

And everybody will be singing it
And you and I will be singing it
And we all will be singing it

Yeh Sab Ki Toh Life Hai.


Roshni said...

You've said it Shru... I seriously couldn't have put it any better than you have.
What you have right now, is yours. Well deserved and well earned. What you don't have was never yours to begin with because you can do SO much better. And there's no saying you're not going to have that SO much better. With how you're going, sky is the limit dude.
I know why this post would've been hard. Acceptance is hard. Acceptance and than moving forward and this determination takes a lot. It just shows how much potential you've got and how you should make the most of it than let stupid things come in your way. Life is never going to be easy, but with the right approach you can bust every problem that comes your way... because that's who you are..strong and daring and my rock! =p

OnLY OnE..! said...

With the right approach. :)